Marit began work on this garden six years ago but only after she spent four years ripping out plants and removing lava rock and landscape cloth. Her first project was creating an elegant entry by replanting the curved driveway. She added border plantings that change with the seasons so that no matter the time of year, you are welcomed by color, repetitive pattern, and drama. The boxwoods, hydrangeas and cherry trees accomplish this in a wonderful way.

The mixed borders in the front became a tapestry of delightful plant combinations with stand outs of agapanthus, tree peonies and iris pallida ‘Varigata.’ Marit loves roses and as you walk towards the front door, you’ll see a beautiful one climbing on the garage and courtyard archway. This is Rosa Sally Holmes that she brought from her Vancouver white garden.

A colorful courtyard holds much to see. Boxwood balls border a corner planting bed, an orange bench draws the eye, and a glorious purple wisteria covers the dining area arbor. The fascinating bathtub water sculpture was created for Bob to represent his jazz band, Bathtub Gin. Walk down the steps to enjoy the big view of Mt. Baker and the valley below. Be sure to continue around to see the greenhouse constructed of old windows from the house. Enjoy your trip through this rich and colorful garden.